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dijous, 20 de setembre del 2012

Renovació total d'un apartament de 56m2

Una altra mostra de gust i classe en només 56m2. Després de fer neteja i llençar unes quantes parets per donar més llum i dimensió a l'espai, ens trobem amb un elegant apartament d'un sol dormitori.

Una muestra más de gusto y clase en sólo 56m2. Después de hacer limpieza y tirar unas cuantas paredes para dar más luz y dimensión al espacio, nos encontramos con un elegante apartamento de un solo dormitorio.

Via Home Life

The apartment is located within an art deco building in the Parisian end of Potts Point.
Shortlisted as a finalist for...
Kelly Geddes

As the apartment is a small space of 56m² the main objective was to make a small space feel large. This was...
Kelly Geddes

The kitchen walls where completely demolished creating open plan living / dining The selection of reflective materials...
Kelly Geddes

Spaciousness was achieved by reducing the visual clutter through modernization of the details.  The cocktail cabinet...
Kelly Geddes

 The existing kitchen walls were demolished to create an open plan layout.
Kelly Geddes

Elements of period interiors have been reinterpreted in a contemporary manner using sustainable design principles of...
Kelly Geddes

The bedroom joinery cleverly maximises storage whilst also concealing the walk-in laundry.
Kelly Geddes

The project successfully showcases how modern design can draw on references of the past. The basin was custom designed...
Kelly Geddes

The sunroom was raised to create a constant level throughout the apartment. A timber breakfast bench was added to the...
Kelly Geddes

The open space layout increases views of the Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge, which were previously...
Kelly Geddes

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